OneCare (HMO D-SNP)

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What kind of provider do you need?

Call 911, if you think you have a medical or psychiatric emergency or go to the nearest hospital.

Doctor Icon

Find a doctor or specialist You can search by name, health network, city, language, and more.

Hand Holding Heart Icon

Find a behavioral health provider Behavioral health providers such as psychologists, psychiatrists and more.

Arrow Pointing Right Icon

Book a telehealth appointment with a Behavioral Health provider! This request form is for non-urgent appointments only. For emergencies, please call 911 or visit your nearest emergency department.

Eye Icon

Find a vision provider Search for eye doctors such as an ophthalmologist or optometrist by name or area.

Hospital Icon

Find a hospital or facility Facilities are places such as long-term care facilities, laboratories, and imaging centers. You can also find community-based adult services (CBAS) centers, medical and non-medical transportation services, and more.

Urgent Care Icon

Find urgent care Urgent care is care you need within 24 hours, but it is not an emergency or life threatening.

Mortal Pestle Icon

Find a pharmacy Search by area or type of pharmacy.

Call CalOptima Health’s Customer Service department at the numbers below, if you have questions or need help finding a provider.

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New OneCare Members

To file a complaint with Medicare, click on the following link to complete a complaint form on the Medicare website: Medicare Complaint Form.

H5433_25WEB001_M_2025 (Accepted 9/17/2024)


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